Coaching Anyone?

Confused about the ins and outs of coaching? As an experienced life/business/spiritual coach allow me to answer some of the most asked questions about coaching.

Tu m'as aidé à prendre le contrôle de ma vie, de mes rêves, de mes désirs, de mes succès, de ma destiné, et pour tout ça je te suis très reconnaissante.
Le coût relié à mon coaching avec toi fut définitivement un investissement qui me suivra pour des lunes et des lunes...

Ginette Mailhot
Présidente-directrice générale
INOVESCO - bureau de Joliette, siège social

What is coaching?

Coaching is a relationship that you have with somebody who will guide you, listen to you and cheer you on. Sounds like something you would like? We could all use a little support in our lives. One thing to remember though is that there will be work involved. Depending on the speed you want to attain your goals you will need to put in effort and discipline.

Discipline doesn't have to have a negative connotation. By changing our perspective we can turn it into a game and have fun reaching our goals and dreams. In life we can pay the price of discipline or the price of regret. The one we choose today will determine our tomorrow. A little discipline done consistently will create a brighter future. A coach holds us accountable. Left to ourselves we may tend to put off until later.

Who can use coaching?

Coaching is not for everybody. Unless you are willing to put in time and effort you won't get much out of coaching. A coach can cheer you on but eventually there needs to be something to cheer about.

There is also a financial commitment to consider. Depending on the kind of coaching you are looking into, you may be looking into a medium or even a long term relationship with your coach. Rome was not built overnight and the same goes for your dreams.

What are the benefits of coaching?

There are many benefits to coaching. As I mentioned earlier, you have someone who will listen to you and who will hold you accountable. Your coach will not judge you. He/she will bring out the best in you and help you find answers to your own questions by having you reflect and search deep inside for what is (and feels) right for you. You will also reach your goals much faster than if you were left to yourself.

Chantal Beaulieu Lynch has been my SuccessTracs coach for one year. The amount of progress she has been able to draw from me, in both the personal and business sphere, has been extraordinary. Friends have commented on how "solid" I now seem, compared to a year ago: my goals are clear, structured and prioritized; my fear level, which has held me back for many years, has diminished to so low a level that I rarely consider NOT being able to achieve them - it's now simply a question of "which one first?" instead of "wouldn't it be nice if . . .?" Chantal's style is "patient persistence." She was always punctual for our appointments, never wasted any time, and she was very flexible if I needed to reschedule. She has great instincts and was quick to assess what approach would speak most clearly to me. I would recommend her highly to anyone seeking inspiration plus accountability in any area of their life.

Janet L. Gelernter

What kind of coaching do I need?

You need to ask yourself a few questions. What do you want to work on or do you want to improve? Do you want to work on your relationship? Then you would be looking into a relationship coach. Do you want to improve your business? Then you would be looking into a business coach?

Maybe you want your life or some part of it to improve or maybe you are not really sure what you want or where to start. Then you would be looking into a life coach. Do you want to improve your spiritual life? Then you would be looking into a spiritual coach. There are so many types of coaches. Take the time to figure out which one would be the best for you.

How do I find a coach?

Word of mouth is very powerful. Who do you know who has a coach or knows somebody who does? Ask them questions. Are they satisfied? What kind of coaching is provided? What kind of style is used? Does the coach bring out the best in them? What are the fees? Some coaches are very good and the fees may be relatively high but remember you are investing in yourself.

If you are interested, call up the coach and make an appointment to have your questions answered. After talking with the coach how do you feel? During that initial exchange did you feel safe, listened to, and good about yourself? If so, this could be a good match.

You will be embarking on a journey that will change your life forever. Enjoy each step of the way.