“To inspire and empower people
to be the best that they can be.”

Mission Statement

As a Life Coach, Speaker and Trainer, Chantal Beaulieu Lynch is devoted in guiding people in living a fuller life.

With twenty years of study and research on Human Behavior and Consumer Studies, Chantal is a graduate from Laval University (Quebec).

She coaches people from a broad range of backgrounds: business owners, consultants, managers, stay at home mothers, international speakers and media personalities. Her practice extends from Canada to Australia. As a speaker and trainer, audience members comment on her enthusiasm and lively presentations. She has spoken at the same event as Barbara Coloroso.

Chantal writes articles for the newspapers and gives radio interviews. She is a recipient of the Manon Bouthillier Award for her involvement in the French community.

Our Values

  • We are thoughtful of others' situations and ancillary variables before making statements in any context. We will also be thoughtful of the internal/external impact of our statements as they relate to all circumstances. We will always consider how our actions and statements will impact the recipient of the message and will never deliver a communication that will result in dissension.

  • We are respectful of our surroundings, others' feelings and needs. We will at all times represent ourselves as stewards and show an open willingness to understand and help one another.

  • We are considerate towards circumstances and individuals with which we interact. Our interactions should be driven with empathy and collaborative intention. We will at all times show consideration toward each other's efforts and focus on building the bond that is required to create a trusting environment.

  • We are contemplative prior to expressing our opinions as they relate to each other. We will promote this behavior by embracing the skills to listen and respond in a productive manner. We will exercise this value by considering the circumstance in which items are raised and the environment in which they will be received.

  • We are conscientious in all physical and intellectual endeavors. We will recognize how our appearance, choice of words, tone and body expression impact others around us. We will strive to create a caring and welcoming feeling to all, at all times, in all situations. We will be conscientious in all situations that our presence can impact perception and reputation.