The Art of Creating a Meaningful Life: One Day at a Time

The Art of Creating a Meaningful Life: One Day at a Time cover

Book Description

In 1996, Chantal Beaulieu had the kind of year that exists, for most people, only in nightmares. After losing her mother at the age of 17, she would now lose her father, her grandfather, great-grandmother and a brother. Still reeling with shock and grief, she gave birth to her first child, who was later diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, a form of autism.

How this remarkable young woman met these blows and transformed them into a philosophy of strong, healthy optimism is the backbone of this inspiring book. There is simple, practical wisdom here that can revive joy in the lives of parents, of children, of the world, “one day at a time.”

Author's Bio

Chantal Beaulieu LynchBoth an accomplished speaker and life coach, Chantal Beaulieu Lynch shares her uplifting approach to life with businesses and individuals across North America. She lives in Canada with her husband and two sons.


“In the Family Mission Statement that Chantal Beaulieu Lynch shares with her readers, she reveals her own essence: a beautiful, deep, sincerity; a passion for life, love and happiness; and a diamond-hard commitment to passing those values on to her children and the world. Who could not benefit from such a vision? I know I shall be a better person tomorrow for having read this book today.”
- Janet Gelernter, author of Memoir of a Basketcase

“Chantal's book, “The Art of Creating a Meaningful Life,” touched my heart. She has transformed tremendous suffering and grief into a strength, expressed simply yet profoundly, that can raise anyone to greater heights in their life. She reminds us that it is the little things in life that bring us the greatest joy: an evening spent in the company of loved ones; breathing in Nature's tranquility; or just being grateful to be alive. Chantal has been my life-coach for more than a year and has helped me transform my life. I am honoured to be a part of hers.”
- Sylvie Olivier, Founder and President of Solutions Mieux-Être

“Chantal Beaulieu Lynch has shown courage in writing “The Art of Creating a Meaningful Life”. She demonstrates a willingness to put herself out there, to share what she has learned and experienced, to share vulnerability and sorrow as well as hope and joy. Chantal describes the process by which she reflects upon her own life and strives to make a better life for her family and for herself. She offers insights and suggestions and reminds us that it is you and I who are responsible for creating meaning in every day... in every moment.”
- Karen Phillips, Program Director, ASEA (Autism Society)

“Chantal's book reveals a recipe for living that works for her and her family and, as it happens, also coincides with my mode of living. As I am a very happy individual, I might draw the conclusion that you, the reader, could also benefit by this recipe.”
- Beverley Dixon Mallette, author

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Released March 2008

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